Sunday, November 23, 2008

Mad Mud Run!!!

In training for our half marathon, Leia decided that we need to do the Mad Mud Run in Scottsdale. Well, we convinced Holly and 2 friends of Leia's and made our team of 5. Our team name was "Hookianda" which was letters from each of our names. However, we discovered this when the 3 of us went to take a picture:
All nice and clean
Leia and Laura before the race (notice no mud). Laura left later that day for her new job in Conneticut. Good luck, Laura!
Here we come after some obstacles and a 4.2 mile run!

I love this picture for a couple of reasons. For one when we entered the mud pit Holly had a plan to take me down. Well, she underestimated me and I won the mud wrestling competition. It is hard to tell but I am pushing her down in the mud in this picture. If you look in the upper right hand corner of the picture Laura (who already finished the race with her team) decides to jump on Leia's back and go for a ride through the mud. Leia flipped her though shortly after.

We were a mess, but we had a ton of fun!!

7 months old

Our baby girl is already 7 months old! We can hardly beleive it! She is up to a lot these days:

  • she has 2 front teeth and loves playing with them by sticking her finger in her mouth

  • crawls whenever and wherever she wants to (look at those dimples!)

  • just started pulling herself to stand this past week
  • loves cheerios
  • is a little attached to her mom (can you sense the sarcasm?)

Congrats Keri!

My older sister, Keri, works for the state, and she just had the opportunity to apply for a better (and better paying) job. She applied, interviewed, and got the job! This is such a blessing for Keri and her family, and we couldn't be more proud of her!!!

Keri and Mark enjoying dessert after our celebratory dinner.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Go Cards!

Last week Edward and I were able to get a much needed break from our lovely kiddos and head to the Cardinals vs. 49ers Monday Night Football Game. The game was great! Thanks Carrie and Tony for the tickets. The kids were able to have some quality time with their Grandpa Ed! Thanks for watching them, Ed.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

# 3 - No. Not another baby!

Ear infection number 3. Our poor child was back at the doctor Friday, and although she seems fairly happy in the pictures she was one sick baby. :(

I'm still cute!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wedding Day

The wedding was beautiful, the bride and groom were so happy, and the kids were too cute!

The boys are on their way to the wedding for pictures! This is why we love our boys!! (all of them)

Here are the kids walking down the aisle. They were pretty cute! Abby didn't really want to wait for them, but Gabriel and Addisen held hands!

The happy couple

I couldn't resist including this picture of Addisen. It is too cute! She is like a little proceline doll!

Keira and I getting out pictures taken while Edward and Gabriel got theirs taken below!

The Hache's!


Yes, I am aware that I am the last one to blog about our adventure for Marc and Kristin's wedding, but here it is now!

So, our good friends Marc and Kristin got married on November 1st in Tucson, AZ. Edward and Gabriel were in the wedding, so we made our way down on Halloween for the rehearsal. Edward actually came late because he had to work, but the kids and I made our way down with our hitchhiker Ernesto. :)

Here the kids are practicing their walk. Addisen is the witch, Gabriel is Frankenstein, and Abby is a ladybug.

Gabriel and Kiera, the Giraffe, going treak or treating.

Gabriel and Addisen waiting for their treats!
So worth it!!!